Sunday, July 13, 2008

Cover Love: Judging a Book By Its Cover

I’ll admit it. I am a sucker for a good picture. Whenever I go to a restaurant and open up the menu I am instantly wooed by the dishes that are accompanied by pictures. At BJ’s, the picture of grilled chicken pasta with its vibrant green broccoli and delicate shavings of parmesano reggiano gets me every time.

Book covers sometimes have the same ooh-look-something-shiny! effect on me. Out of the massive volumes of books stacked floor to ceiling in my local bookstore shelves, some always seem to draw me over for a closer look.

Here are a few that have caught my eye in the bookstore lately:

Maybe it’s my marketing background, but although great cover art does not always portend a riveting and well written story, I think its OK to celebrate the publishing companies giving an author a great package to help promote their work.


Tricia said...

Oooooh, I like those too. I think if I were an author I'd be a nervous wreck waiting to see what they would come up with for me.

Darlene said...

I agree on book covers Jessica. Unless I'm specifically looking for a certain book, I walk the aisles and it's the covers that draw me in. I love the cover on The Long Walk Home. That's enough to make me want to check out the book.

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